Okay, so I guess I’m not really feeling crabby anymore…(probably
because it is Friday). Therefore it is
time for a blanket update on the world that is ME:
We are building a new deck…nothing fancy…no
frills…no composite decking…just a basic, here I am, stepping out of my house
and standing on a platform--with a railing. I guess I
should say “Neil is building a deck.” because really, I have very little to do
with the entire thing. The first few
days of me “helping” while he ripped apart our old one consisted of me giving
him an, I hope you are not serious
look when he asked me to actually partake in physical or dirt-inducing
labor. The scariest thing about the
process was seeing the ginormous cracks in the foundation that were lurking
under/behind our old deck…seriously-scary “HELLO RODENTS—Let’s have a party!”
sized cracks. I think they have put out
little welcome mats and planted tulips.
Which takes us to update two…
Remember those whole rodent-welcoming
cracks? Yes. Them.
Well, I have a little sad story to tell…maybe this has happened to you. If it has…my sympathies. Day 1:
About a week ago, I came home and said to Neil, “Something smells a bit
off in here.” So we do the obvious…empty
the garbage, look/wash every wet cloth/towel/barn clothes in the house and
forget about it. Day 2: I come home and think, “WHOOSH…something is
NOT right in here.” (Okay, I know you
have caught on already…but hush.) We are
all over the house, sniffing, looking for mystery smell. Where IS it?
Day 3: We come home…OMG is that
dead animal smell??? We are emptying cupboards,
drawers, searching the basement (well, Neil did, I’m scared of the basement),
lighting every candle I own. It is BAD…(let
me also remind you of the 80 degree weather we were having)…After days of diligent
searching, and smelling, and dry-heaving…we have come to believe that the
smell, is indeed trapped UNDER the floor—and above the basement, by our kitchen
sink. And there is nothing we can do
about it. But wait. And eat out.
There are other updates worthy of sharing, like
our new dog, the viewing of the new Veggietales’ movie, and my love of spring…but
this is just too much all at once. So I
will leave it at that…and a little piece of Veggietale advice: Never trust a plastic hippo. Profound.
Life changing. Got to love
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